Security Binds Her (Thalia Book 1) (The Thalia Series) Read online

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  She could feel her heartbeat between her thighs, every sense focused in trying to get just a little more sensation from the little silver vibe. Thalia realized she was moaning, a high-pitched noise that reminded her of begging. Her thighs were sawing together, her back bowing and contracting as much as possible – all so she could come.

  She knew if she came without his permission he would hurt her again, but even thinking of the crop made her groan. The way the burning ache had spread across her breasts. If she could just tilt a little she could rub her nipples against the floor of the trunk, any kind of touch would be better than this.

  She gave a little frustrated scream as she realized there was no room to turn enough to rub against anything, and then screamed again when she realized how ridiculous it was to even want to try. It was an impossible tension to escape, her body was wound up with sensation, still taut with the after effects of her orgasm.

  As the car kept moving, and the buzzing continued deep inside her she started to take rapid breaths, panic sliding in under the haze of arousal.

  Where was he taking her? What was he going to do to her? Would he fuck her again?

  Did she care right now?

  Another quiet scream which dissolved into sobbing. If she could just come she could think clearly, but everything in her body was focused at the pounding of her clit, begging for attention.

  Time seemed to move torturously slowly. She felt like they drove forever until her body was a network of humming nerves, begging her brain for release. By the time the car rocked to a stop, and she heard the engine turn off, the absence of the loud music left her in an eerie quiet where her fast, shallow breaths filled her ears. She was crying silently. The muffled sound of a garage door shutting came just as his door opened and closed.

  She felt raw. Every nerve ending painfully sensitive, but not enough. It wasn’t enough!

  All she wanted was to come, just so she could think straight. She wanted the little vibe out of her, but she also wanted it pressed to her clit - just for a moment - so she could finally fall over the edge.

  Heavy footsteps came to the back of the car and the trunk popped open. He was smiling down at her in the dim light. The reason why slammed into her and she groaned. She hadn’t screamed for help and he was happy about it.

  But what if someone on the streets at night had heard her? What if she could have been rescued?

  She was so stupid.

  “Well, Thalia, how did you enjoy the car ride?” His hands were on his hips as those blue-gray eyes slid over her, stopping on her wet thighs before returning to her eyes.

  “Go fuck yourself.” She spat it out, because facing him again made it all real once more. This was really happening. Cold steel filled his eyes and he gripped her arm hard to pull her towards him. When he did the cuff dug sharply into her wrist and ankle and she cried out.

  “I’d much rather fuck you again.” His voice was cold too, and she wanted to stay away from him. This version of him was terrifying. Reaching behind her he quickly uncuffed her ankles from her wrists and pulled her out of the trunk, letting the cuffs dangle at her sides. She shook with fear and the steadily beating arousal between her thighs. Her legs were so wobbly that he kept a hand on her to keep her upright.

  The gush of wetness that came from her when she was standing was embarrassing, she felt it on her upper thighs and he didn’t miss it. Slamming the trunk he turned back to her and swept his right hand up her thigh, collecting some of her juices before palming her pussy. He tugged out the little vibe and ripped off the battery pack before pocketing both. Then his hand returned to pressing gently against her. She almost mourned the vibe’s absence because she was still shaking with her urge to come.

  “You’re very wet, slut, aren’t you?” His fingers dug into her arm, demanding an answer.

  “Yes.” She muttered weakly, staring at the car and not his hands or his belt or his hips.

  “Yes, sir,” he corrected, and his palm rubbed against her clit just enough to make her moan.

  “Yes, sir,” she repeated, her entire being focused between her thighs once again. Just as quickly as the pressure from his hand had been applied, he took it away again, leaving her gasping. She dissolved into tears again as he pushed her through the large garage.

  Now that she could look to the side she saw four other vehicles, all very nice. Three cars of various styles, and a big SUV. She couldn’t have named them, but they all looked luxury.

  When he pushed her through the door she stepped into an incredibly beautiful house. It distracted her momentarily from the throbbing heat between her legs. Gray floors and light wood in a huge floor plan. Everything was obviously custom made, the shelves, the entertainment center. Through a doorway to the right she saw the hint of a massive kitchen.

  “Kneel.” He let go of her arm and pointed at the floor in front of her. As she dropped to her knees she tried to tell herself it was because her legs were wobbling, not because she was obeying him. She was not giving in.

  He nodded at her and stepped into the kitchen, he returned a second later with a pair of scissors. Thalia jumped and tried to stand but he grabbed her hair firmly, and held her still.

  “I will not have you in clothes in my house unless I have requested it.” He relaxed his grip on her hair and his fingertips rubbed her scalp where it still tingled. “You don’t need them anymore.”

  “Please don’t.” Thalia begged, the clothes weren’t covering her much, but they were her last barrier.

  “I’ll ignore that you didn’t address me as ‘sir’ that time, I know you’re learning.” He crouched in front of her, and her eyes couldn’t escape the steel in his. “Answer me this, have your clothes stopped me from doing anything I want with you?”

  She shook her head slowly and felt a sob rising in her throat, she fought it, but it still came out as a small cry.

  “Then why do you care if you have them?” His question seemed sincere, his face wasn’t angry, and she felt a fraction calmer staring into his eyes when he wasn’t furious with her.

  She opened her mouth to answer but couldn’t bring herself to agree with him. She still wanted her clothes, even if they hadn’t helped her at all.

  His sigh made her jump, “Stay still, I do not want to cut you.” The scissors started at the bottom of her skirt and moved to the top where he held the fabric away from her skin. As soon as the last snip was made he pulled it away leaving her naked from the waist down. His hands tugged at the button down and the last of the buttons broke easily, and then he simply tugged it off. Cutting the sleeves to allow the cuffs to come through. Her bra was still half pressing her breasts out of it, one of the cups still inverted to hold her breast up and out.

  He was right, her clothes had done nothing for her.

  A snip at the center of her bra, and at each strap and it came away in pieces. She was nude, kneeling before him as he stood up.

  When he returned to the kitchen with her ruined clothes she looked around at what she could see. Information could help her. The house looked expensive, much nicer than her little apartment, and she was confused as to how he owned it. Security even for a big company like the one she was at couldn’t pay enough for this place.

  “Stand up.” His voice was made for commands, strong and direct. But Thalia had no idea why she was listening. When she wobbled to her feet she realized he had left the heels on. “Follow me.” He turned and walked into the other room with the entertainment center. She stayed still for a minute as he moved ahead of her. It took her mind a minute to process that at the moment she had no idea where she was, the few windows she could see were pitch black without even the hint of streetlights. The urge to run back into the garage was there, but by the time the door rose enough for her to get out, he’d have caught her. She silently cursed herself, but worried if she waited much longer he’d hurt her again so she walked after him slowly.

  As she entered the living room she looked around, trying to see if there was a
nything that would help her. No pictures. No papers. There were empty couches and chairs and a huge, dark rug in the center of them all. No coffee table, just open space. He pointed at it, and she moved there.

  When he stepped behind her she whimpered, his hands sliding down her sides as his hips brushed against hers. He was getting hard again. Already.

  “Are you still wet for me?” His left hand reached between her legs and she shook with the urge to fight him, knowing it would be pointless. When his fingers delved between her lips her hips lifted she sighed, his touch instantly bringing back the driving arousal of the trunk, the urge for just a little more so she could come.

  Suddenly the vibe was in his right and when she heard the buzzing she jerked back against him. He held her there as he pressed the vibe to her clit and she screamed something unintelligible. Just as she reached the edge he pulled the vibe away and she was crying again like she had been in the trunk. Desperate to come, she whimpered and actually laid her hand over his, trying to wordlessly beg him to touch her again.

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “Please.” She begged, breathlessly, and shifted her hips against him. He seemed unbothered, despite the erection pressing into her.

  “Words, Thalia.”

  She made a frustrated little sound which was so childish and petulant it surprised her. “Please touch me.”

  “Sir,” he corrected.

  “Please touch me, sir.”

  He chuckled and stepped back from her, tucking the vibe away. “No.”

  She gawked at him as he walked around her and dropped into an oversized chair directly in front of her.

  “Touch yourself for me. On your knees.” He sat back and waited.

  The pounding heat between her legs made it hard to think, hard to feel embarrassed as she lowered herself to her knees. She still felt herself blush, her skin always quick to turn pink and then crimson when she was in an uncomfortable situation. He stared at her as she laid her hand on her thigh, not wanting to do something so intimate in front of him. When she hesitated he leaned forward, cracking his knuckles. The threat was apparent – either obey, or be punished. She closed her eyes and her fingers slid between her folds and pressed against her clit. Her hips bucked and her head dropped back as she finally felt herself moving toward release, the aching tension from the trunk had been simmering under her skin.

  She clenched her eyes tight, trying to ignore the penetrating stare of his eyes on her. Her breath was coming harder, her pulse ringing in her ears as she slid her hand farther down, thrusting two fingers inside herself and rubbing the heel of her hand against her clit. Then she brought the wetness back to her clit and focused on what she always did for herself. It didn’t take long until she felt herself shake and moan, the release coiling up her spine and then snapping to send her into the afterglow with rapid breaths and a humming sensation in her skin. The fog in her head cleared and she whimpered, unsure as to how she had actually been able to do it.

  When she opened her eyes she saw him smiling. Coldly. Maliciously. He stood slowly and walked towards her, snapping her head back painfully with a harsh grip in her hair.

  “What did you forget, Thalia?”

  She grabbed onto his wrists trying to ease the strain but he slapped her hands away. “I did what you asked!” She was crying again, how could he be angry at her already?

  “What. Did. You. Forget.” His voice was angry now, right at her ear and it made her shake with fear.

  Oh no.

  She had come without permission. Again. He had only told her to touch herself, not to come. The fear of the riding crop made her start sobbing, but a tug at her hair reminded her to respond. “I came without your permission.”

  “I thought I’d given you a lesson you wouldn’t forget, maybe you need another one?” He tilted her head to the side, reaching down to pinch her nipple harshly until she squirmed and cried out. “Something to also remind you to address me as ‘sir’ perhaps?”

  “I’m sorry, sir. I’m so sorry, please don’t punish me again. Sir.” Thalia was babbling, she knew she was, even as he dragged her forward on the floor by her hair. Stepping around her he dropped into the chair and suddenly she was over his knee. Her head hanging towards the floor, the blood pounding in her temples. He trapped her legs under one of his own and linked the cuffs from her wrists to a bracket that had been installed on the chair.

  It struck her that this was not random. He wouldn’t have a chair like this unless -


  The first strike of his hand across her ass made her scream and buck, but she couldn’t move.


  She shook her head, burying her face into the leather of the chair. She hadn’t been spanked since she was a child and it had never hurt this much.


  His hand was leaving stinging welts wherever he landed, the heat would spread and the next time the strike overlaid on a place he had already spanked it hurt worse. Not as bad as the belt, but he just kept going.


  “Sir, please, please! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! Sir, please, stop!” She was begging, but her thighs were also soaked, she knew if it was leaking down onto his lap that he would know. He knew she was wet, and Thalia had a terrible feeling that it wasn’t all from her masturbation in front of him.


  This time his hand rubbed the place he had struck and it was soothing. Thalia suddenly realized she wasn’t fighting, a humming was moving through her body. She wasn’t scared anymore, she’d passed beyond that, she just was. She had let go, resigned herself to this humiliation, to the heat and pain in her ass.


  He was rubbing again, and impossibly she felt an orgasm growing in her lower belly. The tingling heat building and building with each –


  She moaned, biting her lower lip hard, clenching her wrists in the cuffs as she twisted in his lap, but he only held her down more firmly.


  More rubbing.


  Oh no. Not again.

  “Sir, please, stop! I can’t hold it.” She could hear how strangely sexual her voice sounded, lower and breathy. Needy.

  “Are you saying you want to come, Thalia?” His voice had an edge of laughter to it. He was enjoying this, his warm hand moving in circles across the sore skin.

  She clenched her teeth, her head hanging down as she felt her face heat up. If she said yes she was consenting to this.

  She couldn’t.

  His hand dipped between her thighs, soaking wet, and he brushed his fingers across her clit. So lightly, but she moaned loudly.

  “Thalia?” There was a warning in his voice.

  “Yes! Yes, sir, please! I -,” she took a shuddering breath, filled with shame but craving the oblivion he could give her, “Sir, I want to come. Please, may I come?”

  His fingers started lightly touching her and she moaned, “I may not always say yes, Thalia, but you may always ask me. And when you ask it properly…” he thrust two fingers inside her and his thumb brushed harshly against her clit.

  He stopped his sentence and as his hand moved against her he breathed a single word in her ear, “Come.”

  She came hard, her body arching on his lap, it was so much more intense than the one she had given herself, and his fingers didn’t stop until he had wrung every small convulsion from her. Leaving her gasping and shivering on his lap.

  She heard his soft chuckle above her and his hand gently moved over her hair, like he was petting an animal. “When you ask properly, if I am willing to provide it, I will ensure you are satisfied.”

  “Yes, sir.” Her body was giving up, she felt the edge of unconsciousness creeping towards her. It had all been too much, too much stress, too much fear, too much forced pleasure, too much insanity. Her mind was finally checking out.

  She felt him petting her, and heard him say softly, “Good girl,” just before the darkness overwhelmed he

  Chapter Two


  She had slapped him.

  After everything he had done to her, after all of the threats, the punishment – she had slapped him. She had slapped the man who had kidnapped her and locked her in a fucking room. She was an epic idiot.

  His eyes when they came back to hers were ice cold and rage came off him in waves. All urges to be strong and brave fled her and she only focused on self-preservation.

  Thalia tried to turn and run away from him but he was too fast, his hand catching in her hair and wrenching her back hard. When she looked at him again she saw the pink outline of her hand across his cheek. His lips pulled back from his teeth, “You are so right, Thalia.”