Black Light: Exposed (Black Light Series Book 2) Read online

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  “Hey, what can I –” The woman slowed her speech and then paused, leaning forward on the counter. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” Maddie tried to smile, but it felt brittle. She could feel the sting of tears at the edges of her eyes, and she shook her head and looked down trying to hide behind the curtain of her once-again frizzy hair.

  “One minute,” the bartender spoke, but by the time Maddie felt comfortable lifting her eyes, the woman was down the bar pouring a drink.

  Forcing a deep breath, she tried to settle her emotions, but they felt like they’d been shaken up so hard that none of the pieces were falling back into place. What the fuck had she just done?

  “Here you go. It’s an actual cape cod, the other girl shorted you on the vodka, and it looks like you need it.” There was a hint of frustration in the woman’s voice, but it was directed at the other bartender and not her.

  “Thanks,” she whispered as she pulled the glass towards her. Taking a small sip, she had to admit it tasted better than the one earlier, and the immediate burn in her stomach confirmed the presence of more alcohol.

  The bartender smiled brightly and leaned her head down to catch Maddie’s eyes. “Your hair is unbelievable, you know that? I’m sure people tell you that all the time. Is it natural?”

  She was a little surprised by the question, but she nodded. “Yeah. Just as red as my mom’s. Irish families, you know?”

  “I love hair colors, so much cool stuff you can do with it. I went red for a while, but it’s a bitch to maintain when it isn’t natural.” The woman smiled. “Just know lots of girls are jealous of that hair, and probably your dress. It looks nice.”

  Maddie felt a blush creep into her cheeks, but it pushed back the urge to cry a little further. “Thanks, it’s my favorite.”

  “Well, your date certainly seemed to like it, and damn if he’s not cute.” The almost wistful tone in the bartender’s voice made her lips lift at the edge in a weak smile.

  “Yeah, but it was just kind of a spontaneous thing. Not a real date.”

  “Working the bar I’ve seen a million dates. Trust me, the way he looked at you? That looked like a date, with a guy that’s pretty into you. Lucky girl...”

  “Right.” Maddie’s stomach turned, the guilt roaring in her chest, but she took a hearty drink of the vodka in an attempt to silence it.

  “Anyway, where do you work?”

  “It’s this daily ad paper, it’s called the Daily Saver D.C., I do copy editing, nothing fancy.” She shrugged, still embarrassed to admit she had such a shit job in one of the most incredible cities in the country.

  The bartender tapped the counter in front of her. “I know that thing! It’s in a bin outside my apartment in Adam’s Morgan! Found this great local Chinese place…” The blonde rested her hand against her stomach like she was already hungry. “Happy Family meal with an egg roll and rice for just eleven dollars, it’s my favorite pre-shift dinner.”

  Maddie shrugged and smiled despite the sour feeling in her own stomach. “I’m glad it helped you out.”

  “Sure did. Girl’s gotta eat on the cheap before D.C. prices suck you dry. Coupons make my world go round. I’m Klara by the way. I keep the sailors salty every night we’re open.” She leaned forward conspiratorially, all smirks and trouble. “Until I can whip my cohorts into shape, make sure you order from me. Otherwise you’ll get that kind of shit.” Klara angled her head towards the other bartender, and then laughed.

  “I’m Maddie.”

  “Nice to meet you, Maddie, and oooh it looks like your date is on his way back over.” She winked at her and then put on a professional face for Thomas as he approached. “What can I get you, sir?”

  “I’ll take a scotch. Bowmore, twelve year?” Thomas met Klara’s gaze and smiled as she nodded.

  “Neat or on the rocks?”

  “Rocks, please. Thank you.”

  As Klara walked away, Maddie took another hefty drink before she met Thomas’ beautiful hazel eyes. “So…”

  “So, this is where I’m supposed to be a gentleman and get your phone number, and then wait a few days to call you, but I’d really just like to ask you to dinner on Wednesday night.” Thomas stunned her again with his casual confidence, but at this point she shouldn’t have expected any less. It was just the layers of lies she’d constructed that held her back. He was perfect, or he would be perfect if she hadn’t already fucked it all up so bad. “Come on, Maddie. Say yes.”

  “Thomas…” She flinched and was grateful when Klara returned with his scotch.

  “Anything else you two need?”

  “We’re good,” Thomas answered, offering his stellar smile before they were once again alone. “Come on, Maddie. Did you enjoy tonight?”

  She sighed. “Of course I enjoyed tonight, it was fantastic, but I don’t think –”

  “Then don’t think, just say yes. Let me at least give you a chance to get to know me outside of Black Light. I’m not going to lie to you and say that I don’t have a dominant personality, hell, it’s what got me elected, but I can be a normal every-day man too.”


  Maddie felt like the ground was moving under her feet, quicksand waiting to swallow her whole, but as she shifted on the seat and felt the sparks of pain reminding her of the delirium he’d given her – she wanted to say yes. Wanted to let the quicksand swallow her just so she could taste what it was like to be with him one more time.

  Just once more.

  Once more wouldn’t hurt, right?

  “Okay, Thomas.”

  The pride that lit up his face was infectious, and as he let out a quiet cheer and raised his glass of scotch she couldn’t help but smile back. “That deserves a toast. To second dates being even better than first dates!”

  “You’re counting this as a first date?” Maddie laughed as their glasses clinked together.

  “Oh, absolutely. Makes for one hell of a story, doesn’t it?” He laughed and took a sip, but her heart sank as she drank too.

  “Right, one hell of a story.” Her eyes roamed the room, and she saw David Alchert, the lobbyist from Thursday night that had helped her discover the mop marked entrance to Black Light. He was leading the same beautiful woman he’d had with him then, but now she had a collar and a leash as they walked towards one of the raised platforms. Tearing her eyes away she upended her glass to finish it, almost choking as she tried to swallow too much at once.

  “Whoa, Maddie, are you okay?”

  Plastering a smile on her face, she nodded. “Absolutely. Just tired, you know? And I’ve got work in the morning, and –”

  “Say no more, I’ll get you home quickly. Where do you live?”

  “Arlington. Near the Ballston metro stop,” she spoke as he dug out his wallet and laid a black AMEX down on the counter.

  Shit. He’s really got money.

  “That’s not far at all, we’ll have you in bed in no time.” He chuckled to himself, pushing a hand through his hair as Klara swung by to snag the card. “I mean, you will be in bed in no time.”

  His correction made her smile, because they both knew he could have her if he just asked. Fuck, she’d offered to take care of his hard-on earlier in the middle of the club, but he’d refused her – and what guy did that anyway?

  Thomas Hathaway was unlike any man she’d ever met, more interesting, more confident, more tempting, more everything – and she was going on a second date with him. On Wednesday. The reality settled on her as he scribbled a tip and his signature on the tiny receipt, and then put his wallet away. “Ready?”

  “Yeah.” She let him help her off the stool, and she glanced back just in time to see Klara wave at her before walking over to another couple.

  They were back outside in a matter of moments, but everything seemed to be moving in fits and spurts. They were walking through the still active play area, then they were in the pale purple locker room, and Thomas was pressing her phone into her hand.

p; He had his phone already, and he touched her shoulder and the world seemed to come back into focus. “Maddie, are you okay? I asked what’s your number?”

  “Yeah, I’m great. Sorry.” She smiled and rattled it off, and then opened her phone to add his, typing in Thomas Hathaway with a bitter taste on her tongue.

  “Alright, you definitely need some sleep.” As soon as he’d given his cell number, he was on the phone with his car service. In another flash they were upstairs moving through Runway, in another they were gathering their coats from coat check, and then they were outside. It was almost two am, and she was shivering on the sidewalk as he wrapped his arms around her. “I don’t know about you, but I’m going to be counting down to Wednesday when I’m stuck in meetings all day tomorrow.”

  “Me too,” she agreed, and tried to focus on him instead of the guilt gnawing away inside her. A few minutes later a sleek, black sedan pulled up and a man jumped out of the driver’s side to open the back passenger door for her.

  Just like the people she’d watched before. The same people she had listed in her phone, and in a growing document at home that was now going to include a lot of research on BDSM clubs for the article.

  You’re such a bitch, Maddie.

  She swallowed, hesitating when the driver gestured to the interior. “I really don’t need to take your car, Thomas. I can grab an Uber, it’s okay.”

  He kissed her on the forehead when she stopped speaking and nudged her towards the car. “I’d rather know you made it home safely. Please drink some water when you get there, and if you think of it, send me a text so I know you made it?”

  “Sure.” Maddie dropped onto the seat.

  “I’d like to check on you tomorrow, if you’re okay with that?” There was a charming softness to his tone now, a concern, but she flinched back from it internally.

  I don’t deserve this.

  “Okay.” Nodding, she looked down at the phone in her hand to break eye contact, and he waved at her as he shut the door. The driver was inside an instant later and they were pulling away, leaving Thomas on the curb. Nothing felt right as they drove towards her apartment, but it was nice not having to worry she’d need to stab someone with her keys in case the driver turned out to be crazy.

  It didn’t take long at all in the night traffic before she was inside her tiny apartment and turning the locks. She stripped out of the dress and tossed it onto her bed, grabbing a glass of water from her kitchen, which was only about fifteen feet from her bed, and ten feet from her desk. Living in one big room had some benefits. Opening her laptop she drank some of the water before she brought up Google and searched the one thing she knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep without knowing: Thomas Hathaway election.

  A second later the results returned, and she clicked on the first link which showed a smiling headshot of him, looking even more gorgeous. Underneath the picture were the words she hadn’t even known she’d been dreading: Congressman Thomas Hathaway (D), New York.

  He was a politician, a fucking member of the House of Representatives, and a member of Black Light. The club she was going to expose to get a position at the Post.

  And she had a date with him on Wednesday night.


  Chapter Five


  The decision to sleep on the couch in his office had been a good one, because at six o’clock in the morning his desk phone was already ringing. With a groan, Thomas shoved himself into an upright position, rolling his neck before he took the few steps towards the phone. “Hathaway,” he answered, and then sighed and walked the rest of the way around his desk to drop into his chair as one of his fellow representatives started talking fast.

  Off to a stellar Monday already. As he let his peer rant about their need to get more support behind a proposed bill, Thomas unlocked his phone and frowned when he was still missing a text from Maddie.

  “Right, I’m listening,” he half-lied as he tapped out a text to her. ‘Just checking to make sure you got home alright. Looking forward to Wednesday night.’

  Locking the phone he tried to block out the images of her draped over the chair at Black Light. The curve of her ass, outlined by those lace edged black panties, the delicate curve of her waist and the swell of her hips. His cock twitched behind his slacks and he clenched his teeth, forcing his attention back to the call. “Do you want me to talk to Donna for you? If you’re so concerned about her vote, I’ll just ask.”

  He waited for the frenzy on the other end of the phone to calm down while he opened his laptop. Fifty-three unread emails. Great. This was why he’d headed to Black Light the night before, he’d needed to take the edge off before this shit started up again.

  “Eric. Eric,” Thomas interrupted him, channeling the authoritative tone that calmed both upset members of Congress and submissives alike. “I will speak to Donna today, now go have some breakfast and we’ll talk later in the meeting. Alright?”

  Nodding, even though Eric couldn’t see him, he listened to the man’s blood pressure drop, and then he smiled as the volume of his voice finally reached normal levels again.

  “Wonderful, see you then.” Hanging up the phone, he blew out a breath and scratched a note on a pad of paper on his desk asking his assistant to set up the lunch with Donna and explaining he was heading off for a workout. Grabbing his gym bag, and a change of clothes, he stuck his cell phone in his pocket, and dropped the note on Alan’s desk as he headed downstairs.

  Wireless headphones blaring Nine Inch Nails he was in mile two of his treadmill run when ‘Closer’ was interrupted by an incoming call. Glancing down at the screen he was disappointed to see Jaxson Davidson’s name plastered across the screen instead of Maddie’s. He tapped the decline call button and upped the incline on the treadmill with a sigh. Whatever Jaxson wanted could wait until he’d showered, and that wasn’t going to happen until at least mile four. Just as his mind had started to drift back to Maddie’s delicate blush, the impossibly arousing way she’d squirmed under his hand, the fucking phone rang again.


  Dammit, Jaxson, lay off. It’s barely seven am.

  As ‘The Downward Spiral’ album picked back up in his headphones he shook his head and focused on keeping his breathing steady for the run. It’s not like he wasn’t already distracted enough, but a hard-on was only going to make finishing impossible. Shifting gears from thinking of the beautiful submissive to reviewing the particulars of the bill he’d be discussing with Donna, and then Eric, he mentally zoned out on work.

  Just as he started to really think his phone dinged with a voicemail alert. He didn’t even have to glance at his screen to know it was from Jaxson. The guy had gone from jet-setting model party boy to obsessive businessman almost overnight. He barely recognized him anymore, but no matter how much they’d changed one thing was still true about both of them – they were dominant. It was actually Jaxson’s decision to open Black Light that had brought the two of them back together after so many years on vastly different paths.

  Still, long-time friend or not, he could wait thirty fucking minutes for him to finish his morning workout.

  Turning his phone face down in the little tray, he cranked up the volume on his music and pushed himself until the haze from his few hours of sleep was obscured by a wave of endorphins. Four point six miles later and he hit the cool down button, pouring sweat in the uncomfortably stagnant air of the cardio room.

  He was walking with the treadmill when he turned his phone over, hoping to see a reply from Maddie – but there was nothing more than the reminder of the two missed calls, the voicemail, and a few news alerts. Swiping it open he was about to text her again when he stopped himself.

  Do you want to look like a creep? Calm down and go take a shower.

  Locking his phone, he took his own advice and went to make himself presentable for a day on Capitol Hill.

  “So, you’ve got that meeting with Congresswoman Taylor at 9:30, then the waterworks brunch at
10:00, which you will be late for,” Alan glanced up at him from his notepad, and Thomas just shrugged. “I was able to get Donna Mueller for noon, but I know that’s two –”

  “I won’t eat at both, Alan, don’t worry.”

  With a slight smirk, his assistant returned to his list, scratching something off with a pen. “Then you’re in committee meetings from 1:30 to 4:30, and there’s the cocktail reception for the Carrindi Foundation at 6:00.”

  “Did I agree to go to that?”

  “You told me to RSVP last month.”

  “Are you sure?” Thomas groaned and took a long drink of his coffee. “I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have –”

  “You said RSVP, and I did, and I got your tux cleaned on Friday for it, so you’re going.” Alan gave him a serious look, and then waved his hand to the side. “Honestly, if you didn’t want to go, why did you agree to it?”

  “I probably did want to go then, but now I’m tired.”

  “Too bad, you’re going. You already paid for a plate.” His assistant ticked off another thing on his list.

  “Wait, I’m paying to go to this thing I don’t want to go to?”


  “You should go instead of me. Rub elbows, enjoy the drinks and the food. I already paid after all.” Flipping over his cell phone he checked again for a text, but the only person he’d received one from was his brother back in New York asking about their father’s birthday.

  “If only I were three inches taller and had your shoulders.” Alan gave him a smart-ass smile, and Thomas raised his eyebrows at him. With a sigh, Alan dropped his hands to his sides. “You’re going, Congressman Hathaway.”

  “First of all, you know to call me Thomas, and second of all, I seem to remember being your boss, and not the other way around?”

  “Whatever makes you feel better. I snagged you some fruit and a bagel, whole wheat, low-fat cream cheese, it’s on your filing cabinet because there wasn’t a single inch of desk space visible.” Alan headed towards the door.