Black Light: Exposed (Black Light Series Book 2) Read online

Page 7

  “Wait, I need dinner reservations for two on Wednesday night. Around eight. Somewhere nice, alright?”

  His executive assistant froze in place and turned to face him. “Do I get to ask questions about this?”

  “Not at all, Alan.”

  There was blatant curiosity on the young man’s face, but after two and a half years of working together, Alan knew when he could push his luck, and when he couldn’t. “Alright, I’ll get you reservations, but your scary glare doesn’t work on me, remember? It’s why you keep me around.”

  “Right. Thank you, Alan.” He couldn’t help but smile as his assistant shrugged and pulled his door closed behind him. Spinning around in his chair he found the little plate of food next to a stack of files that he really needed to sort through so he could find them again. If he asked Alan to do it, they’d be put in some kind of alphabetical order that he’d never be able to remember.

  Stabbing a piece of pineapple with a fork he took a bite and continued through his email, making notes on where different people stood on various discussions happening on the hill. It was a few minutes after nine when he felt his iPhone vibrating on his desk.

  Jaxson Davidson.


  Thomas answered and tucked the phone against his cheek so he could continue working before his first meeting showed up at 9:30. “Good morning, Jaxson.”

  “Avoiding my calls, or just pretending to be a busy, important politician, Thomas?”

  “Being an asshole on purpose, or just for the usual reasons?” He smiled as he heard Jaxson’s heavy exhale on the other end of the line.

  “You were at the club last night.” There was an odd note in the other man’s voice, and he could feel a headache coming on before their discussion even started.

  “Yes, I was.”

  “With a girl.”

  “Why, yes, with a girl. I don’t bat for both teams, remember?” His chuckle died on his lips when the frustrated growl that Jaxson returned rumbled over the line.

  “I remember, and I still don’t care, asshole. How exactly do you know this Madeline O’Neill girl?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Because she gave my name to Daniel at the security desk in the locker room and said that I was the one to invite her.”

  “Ah.” Thomas couldn’t help but smile. Maddie was a naughty girl, and she probably had no idea just how poor of a choice that was. If there was one thing Jaxson hated, it was someone dropping his name without permission.

  Perhaps that could be their next corrective discussion.

  “Ah? That’s all you have to say? This girl of yours shouldn’t be using my –”

  “Stop.” He used the commanding tone automatically. “First of all, she’s not mine, I met her last night.”

  “What the fu–”

  “And second of all,” Thomas interrupted before Jaxson could go on a rant, “Maddie was just curious about the club. She’d heard about it from a friend and she showed up. Her choice of listing your name was bold, but I dealt with it.”

  “You dealt with it? What the fuck, Thomas? We can’t just have a bunch of people wandering into Black Light! It’s supposed to be private, secure. That’s the entire fucking point.” The growl in his friend’s tone spoke of his frustration, but he just shrugged and replied to an email as he talked.

  “Look, it’s not my fault someone talked to her about it, but I’m just glad I was the one to meet her, and the club needs more single subs anyway. You told me the lack of pick-up play would change, but it’s been over a month and Maddie is only the second one I’ve seen.”

  There was a grumble on the other end of the line, and then the silence stretched. Not in a rush to continue the argument, Thomas used the time to finish his reply on the email and click send. He took a bite of his bagel as he waited for Jaxson to decide if he wanted to argue or crawl back into bed with his lovers. “Fine. So you dealt with it.”

  “I punished her appropriately for trying to get into the club without an invitation, and potentially putting herself at risk by waltzing in with the first Dom to offer to pay for her guest pass.”

  “Yeah, she could have done better.”

  “Kindly go fuck yourself, Jaxson.”

  “I don’t have to, remember? I’m well taken care of, and I’m more concerned about all of your pent up frustrations.” There was humor back in his friend’s voice, and Thomas knew the potential fight had been diffused, which was good for him – and good for Maddie. Jaxson was not an enemy she needed to make. “So, you said we needed more single subs. Is this Madeline O’Neill single?”

  “I have a date with her on Wednesday night.”

  “Is that a no?”

  “It’s an I don’t know. Nothing is set in stone.” Thomas rolled his eyes at the question. She hadn’t even texted him back yet after all.

  Maybe she’s backing out of the whole thing.

  “Then if she shows back up at the club, I should tell Daniel to let her in? Let her test drive someone else? You did say we needed more single –”

  “I’d prefer if she didn’t play with anyone else before Wednesday, but she’s an adult. She can do what she likes.” Hitting the enter key a little too hard on the email he was writing, he felt the tension in his shoulders as he imagined someone else with their hands on Maddie.

  It had only been one play session, but she was spinning circles through his mind. Every moan, every whimper, every shift of her body playing on repeat. He wanted his hands on her again, wanted to make her come again, he wanted to do so many things with her. Dammit. His cock was getting hard just remembering her and that was the last thing he needed before a meeting.

  You don’t have any right to feel possessive right now, rein it in.

  Think of puppies, Christmas carols, the awkward relationship chat you had with mom – and that did it. Erection avoided.

  “Hmm…” Jaxson murmured. “Did you enjoy yourself getting to actually play and not just be a voyeur?”

  “I did.” Don’t think about her, don’t think about her.

  “You know, there have been plenty of couples that would be glad to have you participate if –”

  “I don’t share well, Jaxson. You know this.” Thomas wanted to hang up, but Jaxson would just call back until he said his peace. It was easier to just let him get it out.

  “I’m aware. Does Madeline know how possessive you are?” He was taunting him, and it was tempting to rise to the bait, but he didn’t have the time for it.

  “I’ve played with her once, we’ll talk more when we meet again.”

  “Alright. Are you coming to Black Light on Wednesday?”

  “We’re going to dinner.”

  “After dinner, then?” There was an odd tone to his friend’s voice that made the hair on the back of his neck stand up.

  “Why are you asking, Jaxson?”

  “I’m just curious as to what’s so special about this Madeline that has your voice sounding like that.”

  “Like what?” Thomas wasn’t sure what he was referring to, but he was definitely starting to feel irritated.

  “Edgy. Usually you only break out the asshole voice around subs and people who piss you off.”

  “You are pissing me off right now.” Thomas went to click on a new email before he realized he hadn’t even read the one that was open, he’d just stared at it while trying his damnedest not to remember pale pink skin covered in stripes from a belt. A belt he’d had in his hand, with a beautiful, willing, wonderful masochist of a submissive giving him the chance to play.

  “No, I’m not, you’re just worried that I’ll scare the girl off if I meet her.”

  “Are you planning to try and scare her off?” Like hell I’ll let you meet her anytime soon.

  “She might thank me.” Jaxson had a hint of a laugh in his voice, but the twist in Thomas’ stomach gave the comment too much validity. He didn’t want to act like a possessive jerk, and that meant not texting her every hour, even if he w
anted to.

  “Remind me why I ever started talking to you?”

  “Because we were both bored out of our minds at bullshit dinners for our fathers, and I was at least interesting conversation.”

  “You were eight when I met you, and I talked to you because you wouldn’t stop following me around.” Thomas rolled his eyes at the memory of the first dinner when they’d been sat near each other, both restless. He’d been thirteen, but because his older brother wouldn’t even speak to him at the time, the young dark haired kid with an attitude had been his only entertainment. “Also, you kind of worshipped me for a few years. That was nice for my ego.”

  “I never worshipped you, Tommy.”

  Thomas’ teeth creaked with how hard he gritted them. “You know how I feel about that nickname, Jaxson, and this is a perfect example of you trying to piss me off.”

  “Look, I won’t try and scare her off, I’m just curious what this redhead could possibly have that interests you so much. You literally just met her, and when the fuck was the last time you took someone out on a date?” Redhead. He must have looked up the security footage, which meant that by tomorrow morning he’d probably have researched Maddie into oblivion.

  “I go on dates sometimes, Jaxson, but not all of us live the life of a playboy in front of the cameras. I have an actual job, remember?”

  “Right, I forgot you’re the good kid that followed in his father’s footsteps. I’m the disappointment.” There was bitterness in his tone, but Thomas had met Gregory Davidson too many times to not understand why.

  “You did make out with your girlfriend, and your boyfriend, in front of an entire press corps at a campaign event.”

  “True,” Jaxson preened, “and it was worth it to show all those assholes –”

  “May I remind you that I am one of those assholes?” Thomas sighed as he glanced at the clock in the corner of his laptop, just over five minutes before his meeting.

  “I’d never forget what an asshole you are, but I also know your voting record. You and your father never exactly agreed with my father’s politics, it’s why we’re still friends.”

  “Wonderful. Listen, I’ve got a meeting in a few minutes, if you’re done berating me I need to prepare.” Thomas gathered together the papers he needed to refresh his mind before Taylor arrived.

  “If you say you have Madeline O’Neill under control, I’ll back off. Just make sure she doesn’t drop my name again.”

  “Consider it taken care of.”


  “Hey,” Thomas spoke again before Jaxson could hang up, “one more thing, if you want to stay friends, don’t do your insane research thing on this girl.”

  “We look into all members, Thomas.”

  “She’s not a member, is she? She’s my guest, and I don’t want you rooting around in her life.”

  “You really like this girl, don’t you.” It was a statement, not a question, and Thomas blew out a breath as he shut his laptop and evaluated how he wanted to respond. The sudden tap on his door cut his time short.

  “Look, I just want the chance to see what might happen. Pay attention to your own love life, you have more than enough to handle. My meeting is here, I have to go.”

  “Fine, go be the politician, asshole.”

  “Go back to bed.”

  Jaxson laughed low, and Thomas heard the soft voice of Emma over the line, sleepy and feminine. A pang of jealousy struck him just as his friend replied, “I already am.”

  “Right.” He ended the call and flipped his phone face down on the desk, taking a cleansing breath to push away all the personal stuff so he could get to work. Shaking off the memories of the night before, and the strange conversation, he raised his voice, “I’m ready, Alan.”

  Chapter Six

  Sitting in the break room, Maddie picked up her phone again and started a new text: I’m not sure dinner on Wednesday is a good ide-

  Backspacing she erased the twelfth attempt at a text to Thomas and slammed her phone down on the table, spearing her salad with an angry fork jab. If she were a decent human being she would cancel the date with him. He was kind, a veritable nice guy, who also happened to be incredibly hot and kinky and everything her darkest fantasies had ever dreamed up. Maddie groaned to herself. Representative Thomas Hathaway, democrat from New York, did not deserve to be used like some cheap ticket.

  How are you supposed to get back inside Black Light without him?

  Right. That was the issue, because there was no way she could get past Danny Security again, and the likelihood of getting another savior was slim to none.

  Do you even want someone else?

  She growled under her breath, stabbing another bite of salad to shove in her mouth so she wouldn’t start cussing, because she didn’t want anyone else. If it were a perfect world she would have met Thomas in a normal way, and there’d be no complications in trying out everything hidden in that club buried underneath Runway. No issues with having dinner on Wednesday. No problems except for the normal ones, but life seemed to take great joy in screwing her over.

  As if the gods were listening, her phone buzzed with a text message, but it wasn’t Thomas this time – it was Antoine from the Post. Fuckity fuck. All it said was ‘call me’.

  Swallowing her last bite of food she took a sip of her diet coke and pressed the call button. It rang twice before Antoine answered, “Hey, Maddie.”

  “Hey! How is everything?” she tried to sound peppy, but he didn’t return the favor.

  “Listen, I want to help you out, but you’ve got to give me something. They’ve filled the other open position, and I can’t stall on the last one forever. You either have a story, or you don’t.”

  “I’m working on one, right now, and it’s going to be big, I swear.” Maddie put her forehead in her hand, feeling the guilt twist a little further.

  “You’ve been telling me that for weeks. I’m not just being an asshole, you wouldn’t be able to pull this if you worked here either. Can you at least give me an outline?” Antoine was trying to help her out, and she knew it, but she also didn’t want to hand the story over to him. They were only friends, acquaintances really, and she couldn’t trust him with something this big.

  It had to be hers.

  “I’m still researching, but I have a way into the place now. I’m gathering names and details, and I swear it will be a big story.”

  “Maddie…” He sighed. “You know I believe in you. The first time we met I told you that I saw the spark in you, that hunger for a good story. You could be a great reporter if you just get after it. Pound the pavement, do the grunt work, get –”

  “I am, Antoine! And it’s kind of hard to do this without any support, you know? I’m the one that caught onto this thing, I’m the one that’s spent weeks pounding the fucking pavement, as you say, to get the details on this story. I just got a break in it last night, and I’ll get you the story, I just need time!” She’d raised her voice, and she felt bad about it, but her heart was racing. It felt like her dream of working at the Washington Post was dangling by a slowly unraveling thread, and Antoine was holding a pair of scissors ready to just cut it completely.

  Silence reigned for a moment, and she thought about apologizing for her outburst, but he spoke first. “Alright. Shit, Maddie, I want you to work here, but you’ve got no experience and I’m putting my neck out anyway. This better be a fucking amazing story, got me?”

  “It is, I swear. I swear to you, it’s got front page written all over it.” Relief washed through her, and she found herself nodding at the coke machine as if Antoine could see her.

  “Okay, just give me a hint. What’s the subject matter?”

  “Sex,” she said it softly, a blush creeping into her cheeks as she remembered the feeling of Thomas’ hand between her legs, the delirious orgasm he’d pulled from her with expert skill.

  “Sex always sells. I’m assuming there’s a politician involved?”

  “More than
one.” Her blush went full crimson, the heat in her cheeks almost uncomfortable.

  “Well, well, well, that does sound like a good story, Maddie.” Antoine blew out a breath and she could hear him shuffling papers. “How long do you need?”

  “Another week or two.”

  “You’ve got it, but you owe me. Bring me something hot and the job is yours.”

  Hope filled her up from the inside, crushing the guilt to a pinpoint. “Thank you, Antoine. Seriously, thank you. I won’t disappoint you, I promise.”

  “I look forward to hearing more about it. Email me an outline as soon as you can.”


  “Bye, Maddie.” He hung up before she could say goodbye in return, but it didn’t matter. She had his attention again, and assurance that the job was hers. By next month she’d be a reporter at the Washington Post, and she’d be out of Daily Saver D.C.’s dimly lit offices forever.

  Cradling the phone in her hand she pulled up Thomas’ text message again: ‘Just checking to make sure you got home alright. Looking forward to Wednesday night.’

  Taking a deep breath she replied: ‘Thanks! I did, sorry I didn’t text last night. Wednesday works great, where did you want to meet?’

  She cleaned up her lunch and tossed the remnants in the trash, refilling her water bottle before she headed back to her desk. It hadn’t been more than a couple of minutes when her phone buzzed with a text from Thomas: ‘Fiola at 8:00. I’m glad you messaged, I was starting to worry you’d changed your mind.’

  “If only you were that lucky,” Maddie mumbled under her breath, but it only took another thought of standing in the Washington Post offices to get her fingers moving again. ‘Why would I change my mind? I still haven’t returned the favor.’

  The blush in her cheeks was back as she set the phone down and tried to focus on work, but Jamar walked by and stopped in his tracks. He laughed, bright white teeth amidst his mocha complexion. “Okay, now I know what that face is. Who’s the lucky guy?”

  “None of your business, Gilligan.”

  He sat down on her filing cabinet, leaning on her desk. “Come on, tell me. I’ve been married almost ten years, let me live vicariously through your exciting night life!”